
The evolution of payments: When size, speed, and change collide


The payment industry has three Rs: Rules, requirements, and regulations

A close up shot of a person typing on their keyboard, the blue light of the computer screen lighting up their hands.


Fraudsters are developing sophisticated scams in the utility sector


The Invisible Synthetic Identity Heist


Los sistemas de pago impulsan la expansión de los pagos inmediatos en Latinoamérica 

Aunque los pagos inmediatos son una realidad desde hace muchos años, no se puede negar que la transformación que supone el “tiempo real” ha despegado en Latinoamérica a un ritmo vertiginoso. No obstante, la tasa de adopción varía enormemente de un país a otro.


SEPA one-leg out SCT Inst (OCT Inst) : a great opportunity for new international services

Payment Service Providers in Europe should start looking at the significant possibilities offered by the newest EPC rulebook on One-Leg Out SCT Inst, to develop new business propositions by providing effective international transaction processing to their retail and corporate customer base.

Two women shake hands while others stand in line behind one of them


Historias de éxito de los principales sistemas de pagos inmediatos del mundo

En busca de las ventajas económicas de unos pagos más rápidos y eficaces, la mayoría de los mercados más importantes ya cuentan con sistemas de pagos inmediatos o los están desarrollando, por lo que la atención se está centrando en impulsar su adopción.

Two women shake hands while others stand in line behind one of them


Revealed: The Stories Behind the Success of World’s Leading Real-Time Payments Schemes

In search of the economic benefits of faster and more efficient payments, most major markets either already have real-time payment schemes in place or in development, and attention is turning to driving adoption.


How New Zealand’s Banks Can Prepare for Upcoming Account-to-Account Real-Time Payments

Next-generation payment schemes, underpinned by the real-time transfer of funds, have become commonplace around the world. Most major markets are now either live with national account-to-account (A2A) instant payment capabilities or have them in development. And research from ACI and GlobalData forecasts that real-time payments will account for 27.8% of all electronic payments globally by 2027.

sao paolo cityscape at dusk


5 top payments trends for Brazil in 2023

The real digitization of payments is just starting in Brazil, but 2023 will definitely be a very important year for the country.

Prime time for real-time

Global payment trends
As the world adopts real-time payments, how does your market stand to benefit?


Setting the Scenario, What Is Request to Pay?

Real-time payments are becoming the new normal, and digital transformation is the next step in revolutionizing banking. A key product in this arsenal is Request to Pay, an instant payment that enables a simple, instant and seamless payments experience for both the payer and receiver, unlocking promising benefits for merchants, banks, acquirers and billers.


The European Commission’s Instant Payments Regulation: what is going to change in Instant Payments?

On the 26th of October 2022, the European Commission published the proposal for a Regulation on Instant Payments (IPs).

Racing track finish line


How Scale, Simplicity and Flexibility Transforms Payments-as-a-Service

Sam Jawad, ACI’s Executive Vice President and Head of Banks & Intermediaries, explains how managed services for payments have evolved over the past two decades, and how banks can take advantage of the ongoing evolution in cloud architectures.

Above the clouds


Going above and beyond: Maximizing payments in the cloud with SaaS

Payments in the cloud. It’s a conversation at the top of the agenda for a growing number of financial institutions.


How is the World of Payments Changing and How Can EU Rules and Regulations Respond to These Changes? Insights from Commissioner McGuinness’ Speech

On the 16th of November 2021, Ms. Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union, gave a speech in Brussels covering the changes taking place in the world of payments, how these might develop and how EU rules and regulations could respond to such changes.

digital circuits


Progressive Platform Modernization — Eight Steps to Success

The need to modernize legacy systems has never been more keenly felt, but the risk of big bang migrations has never been higher.