A close up shot of a person typing on their keyboard, the blue light of the computer screen lighting up their hands.


Fraudsters are developing sophisticated scams in the utility sector


The Invisible Synthetic Identity Heist

Hands typing on a smart phone over a desk in the dark


APP Frauds & Mandatory Reimbursement: What It Means for You


ISO 20022 – Expanding like no tomorrow


Pivoting to the New Way of Intelligent Decision-Making:The Journey Toward Convenience

Neither the individual who initiated the first card-not-present transaction nor the organization that pioneered a customer convenience channel could have foreseen the trajectory and evolution of payment systems. Fast-forward to today – the commerce landscape continues to be propelled by consumer-preferred payment methods that are convenient, swift, and efficient.


Pay with my hand? No way!

While I was watching the news, a story came on about a new technology coming to the local Whole Foods where you could pay with your palm.


Need a refreshing spike in summer sales? Follow Amazon’s lead

Traditionally, the summer is a slower time for retail, with sales in the U.S. typically centered around key holidays like Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day. In the summer of 2015, Amazon changed everything when it introduced Amazon Prime Day, its own all-purpose summer shopping holiday exclusively for Amazon Prime members. This helped the marketplace giant in two ways: it increased sales during a lull, and it provided an additional incentive to become an Amazon Prime member.


Financial crime hits new heights – how merchants can fight back

According to Datos Fraud Experts, who just published their top 10 risks for 2024, fraudsters’ use of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated attacks tops the list as the number one risk. Datos' research shows that 81% of fraud executives are concerned that fraudsters using generative AI will exceed current fraud defenses. And TransUnion confirms this, sharing 60% of auto finance fraud losses are due to synthetic identity fraud. 2024 is the year for organizations to leverage AI tools and shore up fraud defenses.


Tackling Sophisticated Fraud: Innovations and Approaches for a Secure Digital Future

Fraud has permeated numerous aspects of our lives, infiltrating the most routine activities and transactions, causing unease and uncertainty for many individuals. In fact, fraud-related losses in the U.S. topped $10 billion last year, up 14% from the previous year, according to the Federal Trade Commission.


Long Live Digital Payments!

Good news for U.S. merchants of all kinds – money will be easier to spend than ever before through different means to digitize payments. Over the last 50 years, consumer spending habits have surged through the use of credit and debit cards and, more recently, the introduction of real-time payments and other alternative payment forms such as PayPal, Zelle and Venmo. U.S. market projections (see chart below) indicate that consumers will continue to adopt and expand usage of all non-check and non-cash payment types over the next five years.

Prime time for real-time

Global payment trends
As the world adopts real-time payments, how does your market stand to benefit?


Fight Fakes Without Friction

Why digital identity validation and verification is now a ‘must have’ for merchant fraud orchestration, and key FAQs when considering a provider


Unlock Benefits of Shared Intelligence to Fight Back Against Fraud in 2023

Banks and merchants must find ways to fill gaps in each other’s transaction intelligence to reverse trends around ever-growing fraud, and global payment partners hold the key.

Particle of digital data and numbers code


Incremental Learning: The Real-Time Hero Taking on Fraud

In the fast-moving world of merchant fraud, we can no longer rely on the past to predict the future. The speed and scale of change is such that traditional machine learning (ML) methods, which analyze historical fraud trends, can’t keep up.


Emerging Forms of Payments Fraud and How To Tackle Them

In the first half of 2021, the UK lost £753.9 million to fraud, an increase of 30 percent compared to H1 2020, according to the most recent report by UK Finance. The report also revealed that banks using more advanced security systems were able to prevent an additional £736 million from being stolen.

Side view of man hands using laptop with abstract digital padlock hologram on screen. Guard concept


Why Incremental Learning Is a Gamechanger for Payments Fraud

Any innovation that helps merchants outfox fraudsters can’t come soon enough. An innovative, industry-first approach to machine learning, incremental learning represents a step change in fraud prevention. It identifies patterns earlier and more accurately, automating decisions and actions to keep merchants better protected than ever.

Woman using cellphone on street


Is Fraud Friction Dampening Your Holiday Sales?

Keeping checkout friction low is always an issue for merchants seeking to boost conversion, but even more so during the holiday season, when offers and promotions aim to pull in new customers and drive higher sales.