Case Study

Ohio mutual raises policyholder and agent satisfaction

Ohio Mutual Insurance Group, with more than $240 million in premiums each year, introduced online payments in 2013. They understood that as they shifted their corporate culture away from an underwriting focus to one centered on customer experience, they would need to provide their policyholders more payment options and flexibility. 

Working together, ACI and Ohio Mutual expanded their payment options, while streamlining their internal reconciliation process, resulting in increases in both policyholder and agent billing satisfaction rates.

“The most important thing is making sure we stay contemporary with the billing and payment options we deliver. With this new system, we’ve done that.“


The challenge

  1. Unsatisfactory Net Promoter Score
  2. Limited number of payment options
  3. Shifting corporate culture away from an underwriting focus to one centered around customer experience

The solution

  • Ohio Mutual worked with ACI to add new payment capabilities and shift to an account-based system
  • The platform enabled policyholders to pay with credit cards, debit cards and ACH
  • Benefits included APIs for tokenization to reduce the PCI-compliance burden and integrated treasury management to save time on reconciliation

The results

  • Policyholders responded positively, raising billing satisfaction scores
  • Improved Net Promoter Scores
  • Agent ratings increased too, reflecting their improved ability to serve customers.