credit card with fingerprint secure tokenization
Motion image highway

Merchant Guide

Executive guide to payment and credit card tokens

Moving from understanding tokens to benefitting from owning omni-tokens

To defeat more fraud and deliver an optimal omnichannel payments experience, merchants must take advantage of every tool at their disposal, particularly payment tokens.

“In 2021, the average business cost of fraudulent attacks is $4.24 million, and it takes more than 287 days to detect the breach.”

Cost of Data Breach Report 2021

In this new guide, get a comprehensive look at payment tokens and how tokenization and omni-tokens can deliver improved fraud management. Download your copy to explore:

  • How to enable frictionless customer journeys with omni-tokens
  • The major benefits of merchant tokenization
  • How omni-tokens can be securely shared across once siloed systems
  • Real-world use cases showing how merchants are benefitting from tokenization

Download the Guide