Expert Report

The season for sales

Holiday season checkout and payment trends in merchant eCommerce

In today’s competitive market, are you getting consumers’ attention?

ACI’s peak sales season report offers a unique expert analysis that reveals how merchants can increase their transactional growth, identify potential new fraud threats in real time, key consumer behaviors driving payment trends and sector performance.

Fast Facts Based on Real-World Transactional Data

  • North America saw a 53% increase in transactional values
  • Europe saw an 11% increase in transaction volume
  • 77% of a merchant’s customers are returning customers
  • 5% higher chance of fraud comes from accounts <30 days old

What other consumer trends can you capitalize on to increase your market share?

Now is the time to take advantage of these insights to target consumers where and when they are ready to buy, plus protect profits by learning which fraud protection tools can easily integrate into your current system.

Retailers must read

Payment trends you can’t miss

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